
The Secret To Leptin Regulation for Fat Loss

leptin regulates your hunger and controls satiety

If I told you I had a way for you to release body fat, would you want to know more? 

I have lost count of all the diets I’ve tried, calories I’ve counted, or reels I’ve watched promising weight loss. This time, I’m going with science. 

What Is Leptin And What Does It Do?

Back in the ’90s, researchers discovered the hormone LEPTIN. Leptin regulates your hunger. If your leptin levels are too high, it tells your brain to keep eating and to store fat. When your levels are normal, your brain receives the signal that it is not hungry, and you don’t want to keep eating.

Where Does Leptin Come From? 

Leptin is produced by your fat cells and its job is to send signals to the hypothalamus in your brain that control hunger, metabolism, and fat storage.

body fat and leptin

When you have more body fat, you have more leptin. When you diet and lose body fat, your leptin levels drop. This can cause a number of problems:

You feel hungrier because your brain isn’t getting the signal that you are full.

  1. Your metabolism slows down because your brain thinks it needs to conserve energy.
  2. You store more fat because your brain thinks it needs to prepare for famine.

This is why it is so hard to lose weight and keep it off. You start out strong, but as soon as your leptin levels drop, you feel hungrier and your metabolism slows down. It’s a vicious cycle.

What Is Leptin Resistance Or Leptin Receptor Deficiency?

Leptin resistance refers to the states in which leptin fails to promote its anticipated effects. Leptin resistance is a decrease in the ability of leptin to suppress appetite or to increase your body’s energy use burn fat and can be a symptom of obesity. The length of daylight exposure and time of year may also have an effect on leptin resistance. The main symptoms of leptin resistance are constantly feeling hungry and increased food intake despite having adequate or excess amounts of body fat.

Scientists have been searching for a product that may assist with resensitisation and help reverse leptin resistant states. Learn more about leptin resensitisation from this review article in the Journal of Endocrinology

leptin resistance and obesity reversal

Why Do Leptin Levels Rise And Fall?

The reason leptin levels rise and fall is that they’re directly related to our food intake and energy expenditure.

As previously mentioned, leptin is a hormone that’s released by fat cells. It helps regulate appetite and energy expenditure by decreasing hunger and increasing energy expenditure. So when leptin levels are high, it means that we’ve consumed a lot of food recently or that our body has a lot of stored energy or fat. And when leptin levels are low, it means that we’ve consumed little food recently or that our body doesn’t have much-stored energy or fat.

When we eat a lot, our leptin levels increase as a way to signal to our body that we don’t need to eat more. And when we don’t eat, our leptin levels decrease as a way to signal to our body that we need to eat.

How Does Leptin Affect Weight Loss? 

Leptin is a hormone that is mainly produced by fat cells and represents a key marker of energy storage. It plays an important role in weight loss by suppressing appetite and increasing metabolic rate.

Leptin signals the brain when the body has enough energy stored and thus reduces hunger. When energy stores decrease, leptin increases your appetite and decreases energy use. When leptin levels are high, it signals to the brain that there is no need to eat, which reduces hunger and caloric intake. High leptin levels are supposed to stimulate the body to burn more calories – unless you’ve become resistant to those signals.

Is There A Supplement That Helps Regulate Leptin? 

Yes. Seventeen years ago, there was a product introduced that worked! Over half a million bottles a month were being sold and people were releasing TONS of fat every month! Due to a dispute over product ownership, the formulator and the direct sales management went to court, and it ended up locked in a 14-year court battle.

The original formulator knew he had something incredible and he fought to keep his proprietary formula, which I am excited to bring to you! This is not a new product, we are bringing a product that is known to be successful in 5 countries BACK TO MARKET!! Exclusive, worldwide distribution rights were awarded back to the original formulator and to this company!

Weight Loss Results Are Scientifically Demonstrated

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, University of Connecticut-based study, participants taking our leptin supplement released more than 20 pounds over an 8-week period, significantly more than the control group. This nutraceutical formula contains no stimulants or caffeine. It contains only 2 ingredients, plant fibers, and fatty acids. It works to release fat by encouraging the proper function of the hormone leptin, as described in this video.

Additionally, a study in the journal Obesity Research found that when leptin-resistant obese people were given supplements of omega-3 fatty acids (the kind found in fish oil), their leptin levels dropped and they lost weight.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Leptin Resistance

Omega-3 fatty acids can help to increase leptin sensitivity, which means that your brain will be better able to receive the signal that you are full and don’t need to eat. This can help to reduce hunger cravings and make it easier for you to stick to your diet.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to boost metabolism by increasing the number of calories you burn at rest.

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who took fish oil supplements burned more calories than those who didn’t.

So, if you are struggling with weight loss, adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet may help. You can get omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil supplements or by eating fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines. 

Who Should Take Leptin-Regulating Supplements? 

If you are someone who is obese or overweight and has difficulty losing weight even though they are following a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you may want to consider adding leptin-regulating supplements to your healthy lifestyle.

Leptin is a hormone that plays an important role in regulating energy balance by inhibiting hunger and increasing energy expenditure. People who are obese or overweight often have high levels of leptin because their bodies are resistant to the effects of leptin. This means that the hypothalamus in their brain doesn’t receive the signal from leptin to stop eating, so they continue to eat even when they are not hungry.

Leptin-regulating supplements can help these people by reducing resistance to leptin so that the hypothalamus can receive the signal from leptin to stop eating.

lose weight and increase leptin sensitivity

How Does Solving Leptin Resistance Affect Weight Loss? 

When leptin resistance is addressed, the body can properly read the signals sent regarding satiety, so you feel less hungry and the body can also release stored fat. This also means that ONLY fat will be released, not muscle, which frequently is what is lost when you restrict calories. Clinical trial participants experienced weight loss which was 100% pure fat loss!

How Do You Take Leptin Regulating Supplements?

If taking two capsules twice a day, 30 minutes before your largest meals, sounds like something you are able to do, click on my shopping link to join now! 

Questions About This Product Or How To Buy? Contact Me Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What foods help regulate leptin? 

A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the foods that help regulate leptin will vary from person to person. However, some general guidelines that may help include eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, and healthy fats. Additionally, avoiding foods high in sugar and processed carbohydrates can be helpful, as these foods can promote inflammation and lead to body weight gain. Finally, engaging in regular physical activity can also help regulate leptin levels.

Q: What are leptin and ghrelin levels?

A: Ghrelin is a hormone that is produced by an empty stomach and increases hunger. Leptin is a hormone that decreases hunger and is released by body fat mass cells.

Ghrelin is stimulated by fasting and leptin resistance is associated with obesity. So, people with high ghrelin levels and low leptin levels tend to be hungrier than those with low ghrelin levels and high leptin levels.

Q: What is adipose tissue?

A: Adipose tissue (fat) is a type of connective tissue that stores energy in the form of lipids. Adipocytes (fat cells) are the primary cell type in adipose tissue. Fat tissues originate from preadipocytes, which proliferate and mature into adipocytes. The average human has between 30 and 40 billion adipocytes. Fat accumulation in adipose tissue is associated with obesity, although not all obese individuals have excess fat tissue. Abdominal obesity is a better indicator of health risks than general obesity.

Q: How common is human congenital leptin deficiency?

A: Leptin deficiency is a rare condition that occurs when the body does not produce enough leptin. This can cause problems with weight gain and obesity. Congenital leptin deficiency is a condition that is present at birth. It occurs when the baby is born without any leptin receptors or with very few receptors. This results in a blood brain barrier in leptin signaling.

Leptin deficiency can also be caused by damage to the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that regulates hunger and energy balance. People with hypothalamic damage may not be able to produce enough leptin or respond properly to leptin signals.

There are no specific numbers to help understand commonality.


  • Heather Walsh

    As the owner of Ageless Aesthetics by HB Walsh, Heather Walsh brings her extensive healthcare experience to the forefront. A Registered Professional Nurse (RN) since 1994, she has channeled her diverse expertise into this thriving venture. Heather seamlessly balances her roles as a business owner and a dedicated mother. Her leadership extends beyond her clinic, as she has actively contributed to her community through volunteerism and served as the PTA President for the better part of the last decade. With her business thriving, Heather remains passionately committed to helping clients look and feel their best through innovative, non-surgical, anti aging skin care treatments. She extends her knowledge by offering a specialized Jet Plasma practitioner training course, empowering fellow entrepreneurs to introduce this groundbreaking service to their clientele. In her free time, Heather and her family cherish moments of relaxation on the boat, beachside adventures, travel, and the shared joy of caring for their animals and tending to their garden.